Saturday, September 8, 2012

The best birthday I can remember

Today is my birthday. Normally, that wouldn't be such a big deal. Once you get to a certain age, birthdays are kind of like any other day. If you wake up and you're breathing, that is something to celebrate. But this birthday feels extra special for a couple of different reasons.

Last year, my son was in rehab out in Palm Springs on my birthday. This year, he's living in a sober living house in Detroit and has more than two months of sobriety under his belt. Not only is he clean and sober, but he seems to be making excellent progress in the game of "life," too.

But the main reason this birthday feels so special is this: When I woke up this morning and turned on my computer, I had several birthday greetings awaiting me on Facebook. I was appreciative of all of them, but there was one in particular that actually made me cry tears of joy. It was from my son:

"Happy Birthday Dad. Thank you for never giving up on me. I love you."

That is the best birthday present I could've ever asked for.

A happy birthday phone call from my younger son, who is now away at school in northern Michigan, was the icing on the cake. He sounded great and said he loves his new school. What a blessing.

Tonight my wife, older son, and I will go out for dinner to celebrate my birthday. But it's already been the best birthday I can remember.