Monday, September 10, 2012

4 years sober

It was 1,461 days ago that a family therapist at my son's second rehab facility--Brighton Center for Recovery--told me: "Be the change you want to see in your son." And 1,461 days ago, I quit drinking; not only to set an example for my son--and his little brother--but because I knew I had to, before things spiraled out of control for me, too.

I am the son of an alcoholic. And the father of an addict. But today I am 4 years sober, and incredibly grateful that I was given the power to change.

Sobriety? It's badass.


  1. Congratulations ....This good news needs to go on BCFR Twitter and Facebook as well!

  2. first of all congrats! keep it going! =)
    secondly, and you of course don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable, but was your family therapist anetia? she's wonderful and it sounds like something i've heard her say before so i was just curious.

  3. Rock on, Dean! Congratulations on your sobriety and kudos to you for your commitment to the health of your family. You are, indeed, the change you want to see, and it's very inspiring. -tamarab

  4. Congrats!! What an amazing thing!

  5. I great insight. What i love the most is your reason for submitting to sobriety and finding the courage to admit to yourself first that you need a change. So did you hire a sober companion you with while in the middle of the ordeal?

  6. It must be a tough situation to have an alcoholic father and a son as an addict. But whatever happens, someone must break the chain. And thank goodness that you broke it. Maybe you could hire a sober coach for your son.
